Graphic Design

Graphic design is the process of creating the appearance of a publication, presentation, or web site in an attractive, logical manner. When done successfully, it attracts attention, adds value to a message, enhances readership and readability, simplifies, organizes, provides selective emphasis, and creates unity.

Steps in the Graphic Design Process:

> Analyze the audience.

> Determine the purpose of your message.

> Decide where and how your message will appear (whether it will be a printed publication,

> presentation, or web site).

> Establish goals.

> Organize text and graphics.

> Choose an appropriate format and layout.

> Select appropriate typefaces, type sizes, type styles, and spacing.

> Add and manipulate graphics.

> Organize text and graphics.

> Proofread

> Refine and fine-tune.

Creating Effective Layouts

A layout is the arrangement of type and graphics on a printed publication, presentation, or web site. A good layout should serve the purpose intended by the designer, organize the information and graphics in order to create a visual path for readers to follow, and attract the attention of readers. There’s no one right way to create a good layout.

General Guidelines for Layouts:

Determine the purpose of your publication, presentation, or web site before you begin your layout.

Establish the primary message you want to present and plan your layout around it.

Choose an appropriate type of media (web page, presentation, printed book, newsletter, or brochure, etc.) and a size.

Identify the target audience, then write and design the publication, presentation, or web site keeping this audience in mind.

Consider their interests, reading levels, background, etc.

The Elements of Design

When creating a new layout, you should begin with the basic elements of design: line, shape, texture, space, size, value, and color. These basic elements can produce many different layouts depending on how they’re used.

Line : Line is any mark connecting two points. Many different types of lines appear everywhere. Look around you and you’ll see lines that are straight, curved, squiggly, thin, fat, and dotted.